DMOPC '16 February Contest - Mascot Edition

Welcome to the fourth Don Mills Open Programming Competition of the 2016-2017 season!
Starting with this contest, we are introducing our mascot, Molly The Cat. This months contest will be centered around Molly, as she discovers the world of programming.
The problem writers this time are
, , and .If this is your first time participating in the DMOPC, you can learn about our system here.
This round will be rated for all participants who submit at least once.
Before the contest date, you may wish to check out the tips and help pages.
This contest will consist of
Some problems offer partial marks in the form of subtasks. If you cannot solve a problem fully, we encourage you to go for these partial marks.
You will have 3 hours to complete the contest. After the contest window begins, you may begin at any time. Once you enter the contest, your personal timer will start counting down and you will be able to submit until 3 hours from when you started, or until the hard deadline (noon EST of Feb. 15th), whichever comes first.
After joining the contest, you proceed to the Problems tab to begin. You can also go to Users if you wish to see the rankings.
We have listed below some advice as well as contest strategies:
- Start from the beginning. Ties will be broken by the sum of times used to solve the problems starting from the beginning of the contest. The last submission time of your highest score will be used.
- It is not guaranteed that the problems will be in order of increasing difficulty. Reading all of the statements is recommended.
- Remove all extra debugging code and/or input prompts from your code before submitting. The judge is very strict — most of the time, it requires your output to match exactly.
- Do not pause program execution at the end. The judging process is automated. You should use
to perform input / output, respectively. - It is guaranteed that all the problems will be solvable with C++.
At the end of the contest, you may comment below to appeal a judging verdict. In the case of appeals, the decision(s) of DMOJ staff is final.
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users | Editorials |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P1 - Fast Exponents | 5p | 26.4% | 610 | Editorial |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P2 - Systests | 7p | 19.0% | 423 | |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P3 - Carnival Phantasm | 10 | 19.3% | 250 | |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P4 - Molly and Manga Shopping | 15p | 25.4% | 150 | |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P5 - Migrant Mascot | 10p | 21.6% | 351 | |
DMOPC '16 Contest 4 P6 - Molly and Flying Drones | 15p | 19.9% | 154 |
May I know when will the final results be available?
Should be available before 1 pm EST.
Thank you.
It's 2017!
Contest series always use the starting year — can you imagine how confusing it'd be if every contest used a different format? This one has been used in contests long before DMOPCs, so it'd be foolish to do anything different.
I like Molly The Cat.
Seems like we have not only Molly The Cat, but also Molly The Cheater, who has done all contest tasks in less then one minute.
Don't worry; I'm excluded from ratings.