2023 Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (mirror)
This will be a mirror of the 2023 Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad.
The contest will not be rated.
- All problems will be C++ only.
- Contest duration: 5 hours.
- Number of problems: 3.
- Each problem is worth 100 points with subtasks that offer partial credit.
- You may make up to 50 submissions for each task.
- Scoreboard will be visible.
- Your score for each task will be the score of the highest scoring submission for the task (note that this is unlike the actual APIO, where the highest score for each subtask was used).
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users |
APIO '23 P1 - Cyberland | 17p | 6.8% | 41 |
APIO '23 P2 - Sequence | 25p | 7.4% | 22 |
APIO '23 P3 - Alice, Bob, and Circuit | 45p | 0.0% | 0 |