
Problem Category ▴ Points AC % Users
Another Contest 2 Problem 1 - Poutine ACC 15 14.6% 106
Another Contest 2 Problem 2 - Poutine ACC 10 28.7% 143
Another Contest 2 Problem 3 - Poutine ACC 15 26.9% 133
Another Contest 3 Problem 1 - Diverse Arrays ACC 7 17.2% 335
Another Contest 3 Problem 2 - Camelot ACC 15 16.1% 73
Another Contest 3 Problem 3 - Lexicographically Largest Common Subsequence ACC 7 18.1% 168
Another Contest 3 Problem 4 - Range Updates and Range Queries ACC 15 14.2% 54
Another Contest 4 Problem 1 - Identity Crisis ACC 0 34.9% 339
Another Contest 5 Problem 2 - Great Graffiti ACC 5p 18.7% 216
Another Contest 4 Problem 2 - The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm ACC 0 73.5% 261
Another Contest 4 Problem 3 - An Isosceles Right Triangle ACC 0 71.7% 191
Another Contest 4 Problem 4 - Another Isosceles Right Triangle ACC 0 45.7% 117
Another Contest 4 Problem 0 - The April Fools Warmup Problem ACC 0 27.8% 466
Another Contest 4 Problem 5 - Prime Time Television ACC 0 62.6% 157
Another Contest 4 Problem 6 - One Billion Views ACC 0 12.8% 47
Another Contest 4 Problem 7 - A Sack of Creatures ACC 0 39.6% 44
Another Contest 4 Problem 8 - DMOJ! ACC 0 27.3% 53
Another Contest 4 Problem 9 - Fast Fourier Transform! ACC 0 16.7% 43
Another Contest 4 Problem 10 - Two Rectangles ACC 0 56.5% 137
Another Contest 4 Problem 11 - Three Rectangles ACC 0 36.1% 53
Another Contest 5 Problem 1 - Goat Fence ACC 3p 26.9% 627
Another Contest 5 Problem 3 - Cutting Cheese Costs ACC 5p 22.8% 365
Another Contest 5 Problem 4 - Tudor Interacts With Poop ACC 15p 16.1% 26
Another Contest 5 Problem 5 - Another Cheese Problem ACC 12 17.0% 63
다른 콘테스트 6 문제 5 - Fan Death ACC 0 6.0% 28
Another Contest 6 Problem 1 - A Plus B (Warmup) ACC 0p 35.1% 528
Another Contest 6 Problem 2 - A Plus B (Easy) ACC 0p 37.6% 646
Another Contest 6 Problem 3 - A Plus B (Medium) ACC 0p 17.4% 231
Another Contest 6 Problem 4 - A Plus B (Hard) ACC 0p 20.9% 204
Another Contest 6 Problem 6 - Name That Song ACC 0p 0.6% 8
Another Contest 6 Problem 0 - Another Warmup Problem ACC 0 4.8% 8
Another Contest 7 Problem 1 - Lonely Users ACC 3p 31.5% 503
Another Contest 7 Problem 3 - Network Connections ACC 10p 26.8% 191
Another Contest 7 Problem 4 - Team Assignments ACC 12p 20.0% 31
Another Contest 6 Problem 7 - Consonant or Vowel? ACC 0p 69.3% 132
Another Contest 6 Problem 8 - #define int long long ACC 0p 58.6% 238
Another Contest 7 Problem 2 - Code Review ACC 7p 32.5% 125
Another Contest 6 Problem 9 - Obligatory Wood IV Problem ACC 0p 100.0% 1607
Another Contest 6 Problem 10 - Putting the Pieces Together ACC 0p 11.4% 14
Another Contest 6 Problem 11 - Infinite Corridor Simulator ACC 0p 1.9% 5
Another Contest 6 Problem 12 - A Pretty Standard Problem Involving Judge Kirito ACC 0p 6.9% 13
Another Contest 6 Problem 13 - Boolean (Warmup) ACC 0p 22.3% 148
Another Contest 6 Problem 14 - Boolean (Easy) ACC 0p 17.9% 110
Another Contest 6 Problem 15 - Boolean (Medium) ACC 0p 16.1% 86
Another Contest 6 Problem 16 - Boolean (Hard) ACC 0p 11.9% 71
Another Contest 6 Problem 17 - Boolean (Lunatic) ACC 0p 5.8% 72
Another Contest 8 Problem 1 - Trash Push ACC 3 47.1% 332
Another Contest 8 Problem 2 - Unnecessary Trash Push ACC 3 47.0% 267
Another Contest 8 Problem 4 - Up and Down ACC 15 11.4% 46
Another Contest 8 Problem 5 - U-Turn Finesse ACC 15 18.9% 81