Editorial for Yet Another Contest 9 P4 - Grid Push

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Author: andrewtam

Subtask 1 Hint How many unique grids exist such that the last operation used was of type 1? What about type 2? Do the cases ever overlap?
Subtask 2 Hint In this subtask, the cases from Subtask 1 do overlap. Think very carefully about when this happens.
Subtask 3 Hint The dp transition should look very familiar. Does it remind you of any well-known structure?
Full Solution

We'll start by introducing some notation. Let S_{i, j} represent the subgrid of G which spans rows 1 to i and columns 1 to j. S_{i, j} represents an empty grid if i = 0 or j = 0.

Consider the following dp state:

  • dp[i][j] = the number of ways to fill S_{i, j}
  • As our base case, if i = 0 or j = 0, then S_{i, j} is an empty grid and there is only one way to fill it, so dp[i][j] = 1. In all other cases, we have 1 \leq i, j \leq N.

    Suppose that we are considering the state dp[i][j]. Note that, intuitively, we only care about the prefix a_1, ..., a_{i} of A and b_1, ..., b_{j} of B, since any other elements would never appear in S_{i, j}.

    Suppose that the last operation was of type 1. The 1st column of S_{i, j} is fixed, so the number of ways to fill S_{i, j} would be equal to dp[i][j - 1]. Similarly, if the last operation was of type 2, then the 1st row of S_{i, j} is fixed, so the number of ways to fill S_{i, j} would be equal to dp[i - 1][j].

    If there were no overlap between the two cases, then we would have dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1] + dp[i - 1][j]. We claim that the only time that the overlap does happen, we also have a_1 = ... = a_{i} = b_1 = ... = b_{j}, so we can write dp[i][j] = 1.

    Proof of Claim Suppose that the last operation could be either of type 1 or type 2 and we would get the same grid for S_{i, j}. Consider the sequence of operations used to create the grid. Suppose that some positive number of type 1 operations were performed after a type 2 operation. Then the first row of S_{i, j} would have values A_1, ..., A_1, B_1, ..., B_m for some m (possibly 0). Equating this sequence elementwise with the sequence B_1, ..., B_{j} (which we get if the last operation was of type 2) gives us B_k = A_1 for all 1 \leq k \leq j. We can apply the same logic to get A_k = B_1 for all 1 \leq k \leq i, and we are done.

    We can optimize this transition by noticing that it is nearly identical to the one used in creating Pascal's triangle, and therefore, we can apply binomial coefficients. The details are left as an exercise for the reader.

    Time Complexity: O(N)


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