Editorial for Yet Another Contest 2 P6 - Travel Budget

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Author: Josh

Subtask 1

Clearly, it is optimal to always go east. We can use dynamic programming to solve this problem.

Define dp[i] as the minimum cost to reach the N-th town from the i-th town, assuming that we will start by using the i-th car.

Then, we can loop over all possible towns j in which we will switch from the i-th car to the j-th car. Then, we will update dp[i] as \min(dp[i], dp[j]+(p_j-p_i) \times c_i + d_i). Make sure to only consider feasible values of j, where p_j-p_i \le s_i.

The base case is dp[N] = 0, and the answer to the problem is dp[1].

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^2)

Subtask 2

Let's try to optimise our dp transition from before. Since s_i = 10^9 for all 1 \le i \le N, we do not need to consider which towns are reachable using the i-th car.

Recall that dp[i] = \min_{j > i} (dp[j]+(p_j-p_i) \times c_i + d_i).

We can rewrite this as dp[i] = d_i - p_i \times c_i + \min_{j > i} (dp[j]+p_j \times c_i).

If we compute our dp bottom-up, then we can optimise our transition using the convex hull trick. This is because we are essentially keeping a set of lines in the form y = mx + b, and to calculate dp[i], we find the line in our set which minimises the value of m \times c_i + b. Once we compute dp[i], we add the line y = p_i \times x + dp[i] into our set.

Note that we are not guaranteed that the gradients of the lines we insert are in non-increasing order. Thus, we require the dynamic implementation of the convex hull trick.

Alternatively, we can optimise our dp using the same method using a Li Chao Tree.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(N \log N)

Subtask 3

Observe that the restriction on the maximum distance that a car can travel means that when calculating dp[i], we can only consider a contiguous range of possible lines. This range can be easily found using a binary search.

To determine the minimum of any given range of lines, we can create a segment tree, where each node stores its own convex hull trick data structure or Li Chao Tree.

Time complexity: \mathcal{O}(N \log^2 N)


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