Editorial for WC '15 Contest 2 J1 - A New Hope
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
The first junior problem is always meant to test the bare basics of interpretation and implementation – i.e. can you understand what the problem is asking and use your language on a rudimentary level to do basic input/output accordingly? In this case, we just have to input a number far
s. The hardest part is following the output format exactly. Two ways to approach this are as follows.
The first way follows simple intuition – output the first part of the phrase, loop far
, and finally output the last part of the phrase. However, this raises a common problem with loops – we actually want the first and last iterations of the loop to do different things (the first far
should be followed by a comma, but the last far
should not). The typical ways to handle this are: doing a check within the loop for the border case, or just doing the border case outside of the loop and only loop
Another possible solution comes from simply observing that the number of far
s can only be as big as far
s manually modified in each case.
if (N == 1)
cout << "A long time ago in a galaxy far away..." << endl;
else if (N == 2)
cout << "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." << endl;
else if (N == 3)
cout << "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, far away..." << endl;
This is also a perfectly fair solution, because some of you may be able to hardcode faster than obtaining a generic version using loops (which works for any sized