Darcy has 2 sets of 5 numbers each. He chooses one of the sets and adds up all the numbers in that set except one. What is the maximum sum of those 4 numbers?
Darcy has 10 classmates. 5 sit on the left side, while 5 sit on the right side. Each classmate has a certain amount of points. One day, Bruce invites Darcy to write on the blackboard. Facing attention from both the left and right side, he suddenly finds himself fighting a war on two fronts.
The situation may seem dire for Darcy, but luckily he has a secret ability: the blitzkrieg. In the blink of an eye, Darcy obliterates one classmate (using facts and logic), shocking the other 4 classmates on that side to surrender and give Darcy all their points. However, Darcy can only do this 1 time - as soon as he uses this ability, Bruce will banish him back to his seat for "being disruptive". How many points can Darcy win?
Input Specification
The first line contains 5 integers, with each integer
being a number in the first set.
The second line contains 5 integers, with each integer
being a number in the second set.

Output Specification
Output the maximum amount of points Darcy can obtain.
Sample Input
5 1 5 5 5
3 3 2 2 2
Sample Output
Darcy chooses every number in the first set except the number 1.