TLE '17 Contest 8 P3 - Curious Numbers

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Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type
Fax McClad is a deep thinker.

Fax McClad, Croneria's most curious bounty hunter, is interested in certain numbers.

A number is called a palindrome if it is the same when read left-to-right or right-to-left. For example, 12321 is a palindrome, and 1234 is not. Leading zeroes are not part of a palindrome. For example, 3130 is not a palindrome.

Fax also loves the number K and any multiple of it.

Fax is interested in the palindromes that are divisible by K between M and N, inclusive. He will do this Q times. Can you tell him how many of these numbers there are?

Input Specification

The first line of input will contain Q (1Q105) and K (1K1010).

The Q lines of input follow. Each line will contain M and N (1MN1010).

For 20% of the points, N,M,K,Q103.

For an additional 30% of the points, N,M,K106, Q103.

Output Specification

On separate lines, print the answer to each query.

Sample Input

2 2
10 50
100 300

Sample Output


Explanation for Sample Output

For the first query, 11,22,33,44 are the only palindromes in between 10 and 50. Only 22 and 44 are divisible by 2.


  • 1
    georgezhang006  commented on Aug. 3, 2020, 10:13 p.m.

    Would Anyone be so kind and give me some tips on my code?

    Im struggling on passing batch 4 test case 13.


    • 1
      Togohogo1  commented on Aug. 4, 2020, 5:50 p.m.

      You are looping through every element in array and breaking when an element is larger than M (the upper bound). Since array is sorted in your code, think of a searching technique that is more efficient than a linear scan.