Editorial for The Contest Contest 1 P6 - A Typical DMOPC Problem

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Author: rickyqin005

Subtask 1

For the remainder of the editorial, we'll let \text{deg}(x) denote the degree of node x.

Since the graph is a tree, there exists a unique path from node 1 to N. Observe that in order for Alice to always reach node N, this path must be a line graph. That is, \text{deg}(1) = 1 and every intermediate node on the path must have degree 2.

Why is this? Consider what happens if Alice arrives at a node n \ne N with \text{deg}(n) \ne 2. If \text{deg}(n) = 1, Alice is at a dead end and can't continue. If \text{deg}(n) \ge 3, Alice chooses between two edges, of which only one of them is on the path to node N. No matter how Alice reaches node n, there is always the possibility of Alice not taking the edge on the path to node N.

Once we determine if the path satisfies the above requirements, any assignment of edge weights should suffice since Alice's path is already predetermined.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N)
Subtask 2 Hint

Build a graph where every node can reach node N.

Subtask 2

In this subtask, Alice always chooses between 2 edges at each node.

Consider a directed acyclic graph G of maximal size with the following properties:

  • Node N is in G and has an outdegree of 0
  • Every node x \in G excluding node N has an outdegree of exactly 2

It follows that if Alice starts at a node in G, she can always be forced to reach node N since we can set the 2 outgoing edges to be the min and max edge at her current node. Furthermore, if Alice doesn't start in G, we cannot guarantee that Alice can always reach node N. Why? Since no matter how she got to that node, she will choose between 2 edges, of which at most 1 of them takes her into G. This means she can always take an edge to some node not in G. This results in an infinite loop, so Alice can never reach node N.

Thus, we want to determine if node 1 is in G. This inspires us to run our own version of topological sort.

We try to construct G, which initially only contains node N. On each iteration, we find a node x that has at least 2 edges connecting to nodes in G. If such an x exists, we add it and the 2 edges we used to G, where the 2 edges become outgoing edges from x. We repeat this process until node 1 is in G or there are no more nodes to add.

How can we assign edge weights to maintain these properties? When we add the 2 edges to G, we can set their weights to be the minimum and maximum unused edge weights (call them a and b respectively with initial values of 1 and M). This works because when we label the remaining edges that connect to node x, they will have a weight strictly between a and b. Hence Alice will still pick the same edges, no matter how she arrived at node x.

If node 1 is in G after running the "topological sort", we simply label the remaining edges with weights in the interval [a,b] and we're done. Otherwise, there is no solution.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N+M)
Subtask 3 Hint

What happens if Alice visits node 1 again? When would this make a difference?

Subtask 3

In this subtask, the number of edges Alice chooses at each node can vary. We let c(x) represent the number of edges Alice could take if she was at node x. We have:

\displaystyle c(x) = \begin{cases}
\min(\text{deg}(x), 2) & \text{if } x = 1 \\
\min(\text{deg}(x)-1, 2) & \text{otherwise}

To accomodate this, we modify the second requirement of G so that every node x \in G, x \ne N has an outdegree of exactly c(x).

We first run the same process described in subtask 2 but with some slight modifications to account for when c(x) \ne 2. If this does not yield a solution, there is one remaining case to check for. To see it, we make the following observations:

Let's examine node 1 and the definition of c(1). When Alice is initially at node 1, c(1) = \min(\text{deg}(x), 2). However, if Alice arrives at node 1 again, we now have c(1) = \min(\text{deg}(1)-1, 2). In particular, the value of c(1) changes if \text{deg}(1) = 1 or \text{deg}(1) = 2. If \text{deg}(1) = 1, Alice will stop at node 1 so this doesn't work. If \text{deg}(1) = 2, there are two cases. Let g(x) denote the number of edges that connect a node x \notin G to a node in G. If g(1) = 0, there is still no solution. However, if g(1) = 1, a solution may exist. Starting from node 1, Alice could either take the edge that leads to G or take the other edge. If Alice takes the latter edge, it is possible for Alice to eventually be forced to either take an edge that goes into G or take this edge back to node 1, which forces her into G.

To check for this case, we again run the "topological sort" described in subtask 2, except this time we define c(1) to be \min(\text{deg}(1)-1, 2) = 1. Furthermore, we let \text{ins}(x) denote the order of when node x was added to G. Thus, G has the following additional properties:

  • \text{ins}(N) = 1
  • For all x \in G, the c(x) outgoing edges from node x connect to nodes with lower \text{ins} values.

We claim that a solution exists if and only if the following conditions hold:

  • There exists an edge e connecting nodes u and v, where u,v \in G and e \notin G. WLOG \text{ins}(u) < \text{ins}(v).
  • Let \{s_i\}_{i \in \mathbb{N}} represent the sequence of nodes on a path of length k from node 1 to node u (s_1 = 1 and s_k = u), where \text{ins}(s_1) < \text{ins}(s_2) < \ldots < \text{ins}(s_k).
    Then let \{p_i\}_{i \in \mathbb{N}} denote the sequence of edges on this path, where p_i is the edge she takes to get from node s_i to s_{i+1}. This path must exist and \{s_i\}, \{p_i\} \in G.

In addition, we have a process of determining such \{s_i\}, \{p_i\}, if they exist.

Proof of claim and outline of process

Consider the following process of determining a possible \{s_i\} and \{p_i\}:

The base case is when Alice starts at node s_1 = 1. Recall that \text{deg}(1) = 2 so she has two choices:

  1. Take the edge that connects to the node in G with the lower \text{ins} value. She is now guaranteed to reach node N.
  2. Take the edge that connects to a node in G with the higher \text{ins} value. Call this node s_2.

Now suppose that Alice is at some node s_i, i \ge 2, where p_{i-1} (the edge she took to get to s_i) is in G and \text{ins}(s_i) > \text{ins}(s_{i-1}). Notice that there are now c(s_i)-1 outgoing edges Alice could take to be guaranteed to reach node N, since p_{i-1} is one of the c(s_i) outgoing edges and she can't take the same edge consecutively. Hence, Alice could take one other edge. Call this edge and the node it leads to as p_i and s_{i+1} respectively. We consider the possible cases:

  • Case 1: p_i \in G
    We have s_{i+1} \in G and \text{ins}(s_{i+1}) > \text{ins}(s_i), so we continue the process with node s_{i+1}.
  • Case 2: p_i \notin G
    Observe that this edge must connect to a node in G (that is, s_{i+1} \in G). If this wasn't the case, when Alice arrives at node s_{i+1} she is not guaranteed to reach node N (recall that a node is in G iff she is guaranteed to reach node N from that node). Next, observe that if Alice took edge p_i to s_{i+1}, she is guaranteed to reach node N since she can be forced to take any of the c(s_{i+1}) outgoing edges from node s_{i+1}. We take k to be i, u to be s_i, v to be s_{i+1}, e to be p_i and we're done.

Since G is finite and \text{ins}(s_1) < \text{ins}(s_2) < \ldots < \text{ins}(s_i) < \ldots, at some point we must reach case 2 and terminate the process.

Using the process outlined in the above proof, we can find a possible \{s_i\} and \{p_i\} by performing a DFS traversal starting from node 1. Implementation is left as an exercise to the reader. If such \{s_i\} and \{p_i\} exist, we rerun "topological sort" in order to relabel the edges. The following modifications are made:

  • Initialize b (recall b is the maximum unused edge weight) as M-k+1, since we reserve M-k+2,\ldots,M for labelling edges in \{p_i\}.
  • c(1) = \min(\text{deg}(1)-1, 2) = 1
  • If the current node x = s_i for some i \ge 2, we know that one of the outgoing edges is p_{i-1}. Set the weight of p_{i-1} to be M-i+1. If c(x) = 2, set the other edge to be the minimum unused edge. After labelling, the edges p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_{i-2}, p_{i-1}, e will have weights of M, M-1, \ldots, M-k+3, M-k+2, M-k+1 respectively.

This assignment of edge weights guarantees that Alice must always reach node N, the proof of which is left as an exercise for the reader.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N+M)


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