In his second flashback, Bai Yuechu recalls Tushan's greatest enemy: the Queen of the Black Foxen. In one of their legendary fights with her, his ancestor, Dongfang Yuechu uses the "Tear void" ability.
The Queen of the Black Foxen can be modelled as a 2D plane (see picture), with the point that the tear void hits being
. The tear void then expands in a circle.
Her body has
"magical points", represented as coordinates on the 2D plane. The
-th point, if hit by the tear void, deals
damage to her. However, expanding the tear void also causes Dongfang Yuechu to expend energy. Specifically, a tear void with radius
energy, where
is a constant in the input. Dongfang wants to measure his effectiveness, which is defined as the
, for all
which are inside the circle. Help him calculate the maximum effectiveness he can have.
Input Specification
Line 1:
lines: 3 integers
, representing a point with damage
. (
Sample Input
10 3
36 5 0
30 -8 -2
61 -5 -4
74 -2 3
19 -7 -4
21 -5 -4
75 9 -5
29 10 -8
81 8 2
99 3 -7
Sample Output