Rin is conducting an experiment with some particles. Her particles are numbered from
- If the tick is prime-numbered (i.e.
, where is prime), she finds the sum of the spin values between particles and inclusive, and then adds to that sum. She then calls the resulting number the inefficiency of the system at tick . - Otherwise, she increases the spins of each particle from
to inclusive by .
Rin defines the cost of stopping the experiment at tick
Note: to recall, a prime number is any natural number greater than 1 that has exactly two distinct factors.
Input Specification
The first line of input consists of two space-separated integers
For all subtasks:
Subtask 1 [20%]
Subtask 2 [80%]
Output Specification
Output a single integer, the minimum cost of the experiment
Sample Input 1
6 4
162 840 327 543 957 582
5 5 329
3 5 -618
5 5 -242
2 5 -173
Sample Output 1
Rin achieves the minimum cost by stopping the experiment after the 2nd tick, when the inefficiency is
Sample Input 2
7 5
478 186 954 257 126 420 492
2 4 104
6 7 -63
5 6 619
1 5 -704
7 7 818
Sample Output 2
This comment is hidden due to too much negative feedback. Show it anyway.
It has come to our attention that you've been copying and pasting solutions on DMOJ as well as cheating on contests. This does not show good sportsmanship and is unfair to DMOJistan. Blindly copying and pasting code and cheating on contests does not improve your own abilities and breaks DMOJ's rules.
Contest Cheating:
Example 1: https://dmoj.ca/problem/ddrp3
eric574's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/931485
Alternate accounts's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/931158
Both joined contest at different windows.
Example 2: https://dmoj.ca/problem/ppwindsor18p7
eric574's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/1054225
Alternate accounts's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/1054223
Both joined contest at different windows.
Example 3: https://dmoj.ca/contest/dmopc17c2/ranking/
Note that eric574 solved the first problem in 37 seconds and the second one 1 minute 40 seconds, which wasn't achieved by IOI contestants and multiple others.
Example 4: https://dmoj.ca/contest/tle17c2/ranking/
Note that eric574 solved the first problem in 21 seconds, which is only possible if he had read the problem beforehand.
The above has happened on multiple other occasions.
Proof of Alternate Accounts
Example 1: https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc18c2p3
Account 1's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/1039154
Account 2's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/1039335
Both joined contest at different windows, and were unrated for this contest, as they were confirmed to be the same person.
Example 2: https://dmoj.ca/problem/mmcc14p3
Account 1's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/819744
Account 2's submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/806968
From this (although there are multiple other examples), we know that eric574 is both reeee and _____.
In both contests mentioned, there was a previous entry of either reeee or _____ (this happens on almost all his contests).
Code Copying:
Example 1: https://dmoj.ca/problem/pacnw16j
Copied C++ Submission: https://dmoj.ca/src/1034737
Copied Python Solution: https://dmoj.ca/src/1029724
Source: https://speedyguy17.info/icpc/data/pacnw/2016/recap/Shopping/
Example 2: https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc10s5
Copied Solution: https://dmoj.ca/src/274408
Source: https://mmhs.ca/ccc/2010/S52010VLv2.txt
Again, there are multiple other examples, but I won't list them all.
Please refrain from doing this again.
Note: His other submissions are generally edits of either wleung_bvg's code or kevinwen's code. This applies to anyone with a GitHub account.
It has come to our attention that you've been copying and pasting solutions on DMOJ. This does not show good sportsmanship and is unfair to DMOJistan. Blindly copying and pasting code does not improve your own abilities and breaks DMOJ's rules.
Example 1: Hello world - https://dmoj.ca/problem/helloworld
Offender's Code: https://dmoj.ca/src/1021567
Source: https://dmoj.ca/src/1454324
Example 2: Hello world - https://dmoj.ca/problem/helloworldhard
Offender's Code: https://dmoj.ca/src/1021567
Source: https://dmoj.ca/src/279082
Example 3: Hello world - https://dmoj.ca/problem/vmss7wc16c3p3
Offender's Code: https://dmoj.ca/src/1021567
Source: https://dmoj.ca/submission/1595568
Example 4: Hello world - https://dmoj.ca/problem/tle18p1
Offender's Code: https://dmoj.ca/src/1021567
Source: https://dmoj.ca/src/1732316