Mo has been attending every single PEG practice lately (so now we know which Mo we are talking about) and he got a little bit — hmmm — bored. To bring some excitement, he invented a new game: PEG-O-STRIPES, and decided to challenge another Mo to a duel. However, he wants to win for sure, so he hired David (Pritchard, of course) to come up with a winning strategy for him, or at least to tell him whether he can win. Dave agreed under the condition that Mo (A.) will always begin.
PEG-O-STRIPES involves two players who are given an infinite supply of
stripes in three colours: red, green and blue. All of the red stripes
have dimensions
- stripes can be placed anywhere within the board
- stripes cannot overlap
The first player who cannot place any stripes on the board according to
the given rules loses. The player that begins is said to have a winning
strategy, if he wins no matter how the second player plays. Write a
program that can determine whether the first player has a winning
strategy for given dimensions 1
if no, output 2
Input Specification
One line containing three numbers:
One line containing
Output Specification
For each test case, output 1
if the first player has a winning strategy, and 2
if not.
Separate test cases by a blank line.
Sample Input
1 5 1
Sample Output