Editorial for ICPC PACNW 2016 F - Illumination
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
The number of possible lamps is sufficiently large that brute force will not run in time. Something more sophisticated is called for.
Let us consider what makes a position impossible. If two lamps are horizontal and on the same row and close enough to interfere, that's one possibility. If two lamps are vertical and in the same column and close enough to interfere, that's the other. As long as none of those occur, we can find a solution.
If we represent lamp
For all lamps (i, j) that conflict horizontally
b_i or b_j
For all lamps (i, j) that conflict vertically
!b_i or !b_j
Since there are only two elements of each disjunction, this is equivalent to 2-SAT, which can be solved in polynomial time.
One algorithm is to use three values for each lamp: true, false, and unknown; all are initially set to unknown. You iterate through the lamps, skipping known values. When you find a lamp that has an unknown value, you try true (vertical), and recursively chase conflicts. This recursion involves at most a linear number of calls for a given lamp, since the conflict forces the dependent lamp to take on a single value. If any conflict is found, you "roll back" all values set during this particular exploration, and try false (horizontal). If both fail, there is no solution; if either succeeds, you keep the new lamp values. Since the conflicts are symmetrical, if you've chased all the conflicts going out from that lamp subset, you know there can be no conflicts coming back in to that subset.
For adequate performance, some mechanism to quickly find conflicting lamps is needed. Sorting the lamps in both row-major and column-major order, and providing indexing into those orders, suffice to quickly find conflicts.