BlueBook - Bills Bills Bills

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Points: 7
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 16M

Problem types

A gas company has a monthly billing rate based on the total gas consumption by its customers. The charge varies according to the meter reading (m3). The rate structure is as follows:

Total Consumption Total Charge
For the first 10m3 or less $6.59 (minimum bill)
For the next 20m3 23.73 cents/m3
For the next 55m3 22.71 cents/m3
For the next 85m3 21.78 cents/m3
For the next 170m3 or above 20.85 cents/m3

Note: There are situations where the final reading may be less than the initial reading. For example, the initial reading might be 9980 while the final reading is 0015, indicating a consumption during the month of 35m3 because the meter has 'rolled over'.

Input Specification

For each customer, the program should read an account number 0A99999 and two meter readings 0M1,M2<10000. M1 represents the reading at the beginning of the month while M2 represents the reading at the beginning of the next month. The first line of input will be the account number. The second line of input will be M1 followed by a space then M2. The input will be terminated if and only if a negative account number is entered.

Output Specification

For each customer, your program should re-output the customer's account number and then on a new line output the final charge in dollars rounded off to two decimal places.

Sample Input

0000 0005
0000 0015

Sample Output

Account #: 34567
Bill: 6.59
Account #: 12345
Bill: 7.78


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