NOIP '04 P2 - Combine Fruit

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Points: 5
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 128M

Problem type

In an orchard, D has already collected all the fruit and put them in different piles. Now D wants to combine all the fruit into one pile.

For each "combine" operation, D can combine two piles of fruit into one, using an amount of stamina equal to the total weight of the two piles. We can see that after n1 "combine" operations, there would only be one pile.

Find the minimum amount of stamina that D needs to combine all fruit into one pile.

Input Specification

The first line contains an integer n, representing the number of piles of fruit. The second line contains n integers, representing the weight of each pile.

Output Specification

Output the minimum stamina D needs to combine all fruit into one pile.

Sample Input

1 2 9

Sample Output



For 30% of the data, n1000,

For 50% of the data, n5000,

For 100% of the data, n10000.


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