Pusheen has been seeing a lot of sushi in her life lately and has taken to designing a sushi boat! She has
How many different sushi boats can Pusheen construct? Two boats are different if Pusheen selects one piece of sashimi in one boat but does not select it in the other. Note that multiple pieces of sashimi can come from the same fish!
In tests worth 2 marks,
In tests worth an additional 3 marks,
Input Specification
The first line contains two space-separated positive integers,
The next line contains
Output Specification
Output the number of distinct sushi boats that Pusheen can come up with, modulo
Sample Input
4 3
1 2 2 3
Sample Output
Sample Explanation
Pusheen must select the 1st and 4th pieces of sashimi, but can choose either the 2nd or 3rd piece. This gives the two boats that Pusheen can construct.
I'm stuck on #23 in the 3rd subtask... I get [218,197,204,191,190] and K = 5 as the values for this question, so isn't the answer 218 x 197 x 204 x 191 x 190 = 317936109360?