Editorial for ICPC NAQ 2016 H - Nine Packs

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  • Considering only hotdog packs h_1, \dots, h_i, let \operatorname{opt}_h(i, k) denote the minimum number of packs you need to buy to have exactly k hotdogs, or +\infty if impossible.
  • Similarly, let \operatorname{opt}_b(i, k) denote the corresponding value for the packs of buns b_1, \dots, b_i.
  • If C = \min\left(\sum_{i=1}^H h_i, \sum_{i=1}^B b_i\right), the answer is: \displaystyle \min_{1 \le k \le C} \operatorname{opt}_b(B, k) + \operatorname{opt}_h(H, k)
  • Note that C \le 100 \cdot 1\,000 = 10^5.
  • Computing \operatorname{opt}_h(i, k) is an instance of the Knapsack problem (or a variant thereof), and can be solved in a similar manner as follows.
  • Based on whether we buy the i^\text{th} pack of hotdogs (h_i) or not, we get the following recurrence: \displaystyle \operatorname{opt}_h(i, k) = \min(1 + \operatorname{opt}_h(i-1, k-h_i), \operatorname{opt}_h(i-1, k))
  • We also have the base cases: \displaystyle \operatorname{opt}_h(i, k) = \begin{cases}0 & \text{if }k = 0 \\ +\infty & \text{if }i = 0\text{ or }k < 0\end{cases}
  • We have a similar recursion for \operatorname{opt}_b(i, k).
  • Finally, \operatorname{opt}_h(H, k) and \operatorname{opt}_b(B, k) can be computed for all 1 \le k \le C in \mathcal O((B+H)C) using dynamic programming (or memoization).


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