MWC '15 #8 P2: ASCII Art

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Points: 7
Time limit: 0.6s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

aurpine used to be a pixel painter. However, times have changed. Technology has advanced. These days, it's all about ASCII. Foreign to the new style, he has become depressed. Cheer him up by writing a program featuring the primitive tools he knows from pixel painting. Each operation will be given to you on a single line.

The features and operations are:

  • c n change the colour used to the given ASCII character n. The letter c will strictly be followed by a single space, followed by the character. The colour could be a space.
  • r x y w h draw a rectangle starting at (x,y) (0x,y) with a width (columns) and height (rows) of w and h respectively (1w,h).
  • f x y w h draw a filled rectangle starting at (x,y) (0x,y) with a width (columns) and height (rows) of w and h respectively (1w,h).
  • h y a b draw a horizontal line on row y (0y) from column a to b (inclusive) (0ab).
  • v x a b draw a vertical line on column x (0x) from row a to b (inclusive) (0ab).
  • d x y draw a dot (pixel) at (x,y) (0x,y).
  • s save the picture (print the art and close your program).

The default (starting) colour is a period .. The grid initiates with a width and height of 0. It expands so that any edited character/pixel is included in the rectangular area. Note that the point (0,0) is not necessarily always drawn. The background (where nothing has been drawn) defaults to a space character  . When printing, pad and trail spaces so that the output consists of R rows with C characters on each line where R and C are respectively the rows and columns expanded to. Characters get overwritten when drawn.

Input Specification


The farthest pixel ever drawn is at (99,99).

There will be at most 100 commands. Input will always end with s on a single line. The finished artwork will never be empty.

Output Specification

A grid of C by R characters – the resulting artwork created by aurpine.

Note: Output must match exactly.

Sample Input 1

r 1 1 5 3
c -
h 3 2 4
c |
v 2 1 3
c +
d 2 3

Sample Output 1

.|  .

Explanation for Sample Output 1

First, the 5 by 3 rectangle is drawn with the default colour.

.   .

Then the colour is changed to -. And a horizontal line is drawn.

.   .

The colour is changed once again and a vertical line is drawn.

.|  .

The colour is changed to + and a dot is drawn to yield the final drawing.

.|  .

Sample Input 2

c X
f 2 5 8 2
c x
r 1 2 10 3
d 6 5
d 10 5
d 9 3
c >
f 4 3 5 2
c -
d 6 3
d 8 3
d 11 3
d 5 4
d 7 4
d 9 4
c O
d 3 3
c /
d 3 1
d 5 1
d 7 1
c ,
d 9 1
c `
d 11 5
d 1 2
d 10 2
d 4 3
d 2 4
d 3 4
d 4 5
d 8 5
d 2 6
d 6 6

Sample Output 2

  / / / ,  
x O >->-xx-
x  >->->-x 
 XX XxX Xx`


  • 1
    Jeffmagma  commented on May 23, 2016, 10:48 p.m.

    If a line has trailing spaces at the end, should we output it or go directly to the next line?

    • -3
      aurpine  commented on May 24, 2016, 12:22 a.m.


      When printing, pad spaces so that output consists of R rows with C characters on each line

  • 0
    richardyi25  commented on May 22, 2016, 12:54 p.m.

    Is length horizontal and width vertical?

    • -1
      aurpine  commented on May 22, 2016, 1:25 p.m.

      Yes. Changed to w (width) and h (height) for easier comprehension. Shouldn't affect the input.