Editorial for IOI '14 P3 - Game

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Let Eyes be the set of edges about which the contestant has answered "yes" (connected), Eno the set of edges about which contestant has answered "no", and Emaybe the rest of the edges, whose statuses are not yet determined. Also, let G=(V,Eyes) and H=(V,EyesEmaybe). G is the graph you get by assuming that all edges in Emaybe are not connected, while H is the graph you get by assuming that all edges in Emaybe are connected.

Initially, G is empty and thus not connected, while H is connected. In order not to reveal any clue to the judge, the contestant should maintain the invariant: G should always be disconnected, while H should always be connected.

There are several possible ways to maintain the invariant.

An O(n4) solution

When asked by the judge whether an edge e=(u,v) is connected, answer "no" if and only if e is part of a cycle in H. One can see that this does not change the connectivity of G and H.

To decide whether e forms a circle, one can perform a depth-first search to find out whether there is a path from u to v in (V,EyesEmaybe(u,v)). This is an O(n2) operation. As there are O(n2) edges, the total running time is O(n4).

In other words, we answer "yes" if and only if e is a bridge in H.

An O(n2) solution

Given a vertex v, let D(v) be the connected component v belongs to in G. We maintain two data structures:

  1. R is a table mapping each v to a representative of D(v).
  2. S is a symmetric matrix indexed by V. For u and v in V, if R(u)R(v), S(R(u),R(v)) is the number of edges, in Emaybe, that connects D(u) and D(v).

The contestant answers "yes" to query (u,v) if and only if S(R(u),R(v))=1.

R can be implemented as a disjoint-set linked list. Each disjoint set is represented by a linked list of its elements, and the representative is the one at the head. Each element has a pointer to its representative. To unite two sets, we connect the lists and update the pointers. A union takes O(n) time and a find takes O(1) time.

As for S, initially S(u,v)=1 unless u=v. Whenever the judge asks about (u,v), S is updated as follows.

  1. If the contestant answers "no", we decrement S(R(u),R(v)) by 1.
  2. If the contestant answers "yes", let w be the representative after uniting D(u) and D(v). For each x that is a representative of some connected component, both S(w,x) and S(x,w) are updated to S(R(u),x)+S(R(v),x).

There can be at most n1 unions, thus the total time spent on union is O(n2). An update of S requires O(1) time for a "no" response, and O(n) time for a "yes" response. Since the graph G is a tree, we respond "yes" exactly n1 times. Thus the time spent on updating S is also O(n2). We thus have an O(n2) algorithm.

A One-Liner O(n2) Algorithm

There is a surprising one-line O(n2) algorithm:

#include "game.h"

void initialize(int n) {
    // DO NOTHING!

int c[1500];
int hasEdge(int u, int v) {
    return ++c[u > v ? u : v] == (u > v ? u : v);

To understand the algorithm, imagine that we partition the set of all the possible edges into E1,E2,,En1, with Ei={(i,j)i>j}. Each Ei has exactly i possible edges. The algorithm above answers "yes" to (u,v) (where u>v) if it is the last edge in Eu that is queried.

To see how it works, consider the last query. Denote the queried edge by e, and the graph G=(V,Eyese). The contestant wins if G is disconnected, while G+e is connected.

  • G is disconnected, since it contains only n2 edges.
  • G+e is connected, since it contains n1 edges, and there is no cycle in G+e. One can see that there is no cycle since, in each Ei, we answer yes to only one edge. Formally, if there is a cycle C in G+e, considering the node u in C with largest id, Eu must have exactly one edge in G+e. But u has two neighbors in C with smaller ids, a contradiction.


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