Editorial for IOI '14 P3 - Game

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Let E_\text{yes} be the set of edges about which the contestant has answered "yes" (connected), E_\text{no} the set of edges about which contestant has answered "no", and E_\text{maybe} the rest of the edges, whose statuses are not yet determined. Also, let G = (V, E_\text{yes}) and H = (V, E_\text{yes} \cup E_\text{maybe}). G is the graph you get by assuming that all edges in E_\text{maybe} are not connected, while H is the graph you get by assuming that all edges in E_\text{maybe} are connected.

Initially, G is empty and thus not connected, while H is connected. In order not to reveal any clue to the judge, the contestant should maintain the invariant: G should always be disconnected, while H should always be connected.

There are several possible ways to maintain the invariant.

An \mathcal O(n^4) solution

When asked by the judge whether an edge e = (u, v) is connected, answer "no" if and only if e is part of a cycle in H. One can see that this does not change the connectivity of G and H.

To decide whether e forms a circle, one can perform a depth-first search to find out whether there is a path from u to v in (V, E_\text{yes} \cup E_\text{maybe} - (u, v)). This is an \mathcal O(n^2) operation. As there are \mathcal O(n^2) edges, the total running time is \mathcal O(n^4).

In other words, we answer "yes" if and only if e is a bridge in H.

An \mathcal O(n^2) solution

Given a vertex v, let D(v) be the connected component v belongs to in G. We maintain two data structures:

  1. R is a table mapping each v to a representative of D(v).
  2. S is a symmetric matrix indexed by V. For u and v in V, if R(u) \ne R(v), S(R(u), R(v)) is the number of edges, in E_\text{maybe}, that connects D(u) and D(v).

The contestant answers "yes" to query (u, v) if and only if S(R(u), R(v)) = 1.

R can be implemented as a disjoint-set linked list. Each disjoint set is represented by a linked list of its elements, and the representative is the one at the head. Each element has a pointer to its representative. To unite two sets, we connect the lists and update the pointers. A union takes \mathcal O(n) time and a find takes \mathcal O(1) time.

As for S, initially S(u, v) = 1 unless u = v. Whenever the judge asks about (u, v), S is updated as follows.

  1. If the contestant answers "no", we decrement S(R(u), R(v)) by 1.
  2. If the contestant answers "yes", let w be the representative after uniting D(u) and D(v). For each x that is a representative of some connected component, both S(w, x) and S(x, w) are updated to S(R(u), x) + S(R(v), x).

There can be at most n-1 unions, thus the total time spent on union is \mathcal O(n^2). An update of S requires \mathcal O(1) time for a "no" response, and \mathcal O(n) time for a "yes" response. Since the graph G is a tree, we respond "yes" exactly n-1 times. Thus the time spent on updating S is also \mathcal O(n^2). We thus have an \mathcal O(n^2) algorithm.

A One-Liner \mathcal O(n^2) Algorithm

There is a surprising one-line \mathcal O(n^2) algorithm:

#include "game.h"

void initialize(int n) {
    // DO NOTHING!

int c[1500];
int hasEdge(int u, int v) {
    return ++c[u > v ? u : v] == (u > v ? u : v);

To understand the algorithm, imagine that we partition the set of all the possible edges into E_1, E_2, \dots, E_{n-1}, with E_i = \{(i, j) \mid i > j\}. Each E_i has exactly i possible edges. The algorithm above answers "yes" to (u, v) (where u > v) if it is the last edge in E_u that is queried.

To see how it works, consider the last query. Denote the queried edge by e, and the graph G = (V, E_\text{yes}-e). The contestant wins if G is disconnected, while G+e is connected.

  • G is disconnected, since it contains only n-2 edges.
  • G+e is connected, since it contains n-1 edges, and there is no cycle in G+e. One can see that there is no cycle since, in each E_i, we answer yes to only one edge. Formally, if there is a cycle C in G+e, considering the node u in C with largest id, E_u must have exactly one edge in G+e. But u has two neighbors in C with smaller ids, a contradiction.


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