Some people say that Leonardo was a great admirer of Johannes Gutenberg, the German blacksmith who invented movable-type printing, and that he paid homage by designing a machine called the crayfish scrivener — il gambero scrivano — a very simple typing device. It is somehow similar to a simple modern typewriter and accepts only two commands: one to type the next character and one to undo the most recent commands. The notable feature of the crayfish scrivener is that the undo command is extremely powerful: an undo is also considered to be a command itself, and can be undone.
Your task is to realize a software version of the crayfish scrivener: it starts with an empty text and accepts a sequence of commands entered by the user, and queries for specific positions of the current version of the text, as follows.
— called once at the beginning of the execution, without arguments. It can be used for initializing data structures. It will never need to be undone.TypeLetter(L)
— append to the end of the text a single lowercase letter chosen from .UndoCommands(U)
— undo the last commands, for a positive integer .GetLetter(P)
— return the letter at position in the current text, for a non-negative index . The first letter in the text has index . (This query is not a command and thus is ignored by the undo command.)
After the initial call to Init()
, the other routines can be called zero or more times in any order. It is guaranteed that
As for UndoCommands(U)
, it undoes the previous TypeLetter(L)
, then it removes UndoCommands(X)
for some value
We show a possible sequence of calls, together with the state of the text after each call.
Call | Returns | Current text |
Init() | ||
TypeLetter(a) | a | |
TypeLetter(b) | ab | |
GetLetter(1) | b | ab |
TypeLetter(d) | abd | |
UndoCommands(2) | a | |
UndoCommands(1) | abd | |
GetLetter(2) | d | abd |
TypeLetter(e) | abde | |
UndoCommands(1) | abd | |
UndoCommands(5) | ab | |
TypeLetter(c) | abc | |
GetLetter(2) | c | abc |
UndoCommands(2) | abd | |
GetLetter(2) | d | abd |
Input Specification
Your program must read the input in the following format:
- line
: the total number of commands and queries in the input; - on each following line:
followed by a space and a lowercase letter for aTypeLetter
followed by a space and an integer forUndoCommands
followed by a space and an integer forGetLetter
Output Specification
Output the answer to each GetLetter
command on a separate line.
Sample Input
T a
T b
P 1
T d
U 2
U 1
P 2
T e
U 1
U 5
T c
P 2
U 2
P 2
Sample Output
Subtask 1 [5 points]
- The total number of commands and queries is between
and (inclusive) and there will be no calls toUndoCommands
Subtask 2 [7 points]
- The total number of commands and queries is between
and (inclusive) and noUndoCommands
will be undone.
Subtask 3 [22 points]
- The total number of commands and queries is between
and (inclusive).
Subtask 4 [26 points]
- The total number of commands and queries is between
and (inclusive). All calls toGetLetter
will occur after all calls toTypeLetter
Subtask 5 [40 points]
- The total number of commands and queries is between
and (inclusive).