Editorial for IOI '05 P1 - Garden

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Let us call a rectangular region containing exactly k roses a k-rectangle. Let us also denote by r_{x,y} the number of roses in the square (x,y). The problem is to find two disjoint k-rectangles with minimal sum of perimeters.

The simplest solution is to consider all possible rectangular regions of the garden, and for each of them to count the number of roses inside. This way we can enumerate all k-rectangles in \mathcal O(w^3 l^3) time. There may be up to \mathcal O(w^2 l^2) k-rectangles in total. The second step is to consider all the pairs of k-rectangles and choose the one consisting of disjoint regions with minimum sum of perimeters. Such a solution should receive about 50\% points, despite its terrible time complexity of \mathcal O(w^4 l^4).

Model solution

Now we will present a number of gradual improvements, which will finally yield us the model solution. Please note, that we can optimize checking if a given rectangular region is a k-rectangle. Let us denote by R_{x,y} the number of roses in a region, with one corner at (1,1) and the opposite one at (x,y). We can precompute all the values of R_{x,y} iteratively in \mathcal O(wl) time using the following formula:

\displaystyle R_{x,y} = \begin{cases}
0 & \text{if }x = 0\text{ or }y = 0 \\
R_{x-1,y}+R_{x,y-1}-R_{x-1,y-1}+r_{x,y} & \text{otherwise}

Having this, we can express \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) — the number of roses in a rectangular region with corners (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2) as:

\displaystyle \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) = R_{x_2,y_2}-R_{x_2,y_1-1}-R_{x_1-1,y_2}+R_{x_1-1,y_1-1}

This way, \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) can be evaluated in \mathcal O(1) time. Using the presented method, we can enumerate all k-rectangles in \mathcal O(w^2 l^2) time. Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem of considering all pairs of k-rectangles.

But fortunately, there is another method, which copes with this problem. Please observe, that if we have two disjoint rectangular regions, then there must exist either a horizontal or a vertical line such that one rectangle is above it (or respectively to the left) and the other one is below it (or respectively to the right). Hence, for each horizontal line we can find two k-rectangles with the smallest perimeters, laying on the opposite sides of the line. Similar values are to be found for all vertical lines. When we have done this, we can easily compute the final result in \mathcal O(w+l) by considering all the possible dividing lines and choosing the result which gives us the optimal sum of perimeters.

Now we will show how to find optimal perimeters for the first case (rectangular regions above the given horizontal line). The three other cases can be solved analogously. Let us denote by A_y the minimal perimeter of k-rectangle laying above the horizontal line with the given y-coordinate, whose bottommost coordinate is greater than or equal y. Let us also denote by a_y the minimal perimeter of the k-rectangle with bottommost coordinate equal y. Please note, that:

\displaystyle A_y = \min(a_y, \dots, a_w)

A simple way to calculate a_i's is to initially set them to infinity, and then update them while iterating through all k-rectangles. With this improvement, our algorithm works in \mathcal O(w^2 l^2) time.

This is not all. Please note, that we do not need to consider all k-rectangles. We can limit our considerations to those k-rectangles, which do not contain any other k-rectangles in their interiors. To enumerate all interesting k-rectangles (and maybe some not interesting too), we consider all pairs (y_1,y_2), 1 \le y_1 \le y_2 \le w. For each such pair, we use a sliding window, which is a rectangle having corners at (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2). At the beginning, x_1 = x_2 = 1. Then we repeatedly move the sliding window according to the following rules, until x_2 > l:

  • if there are exactly k roses in the sliding window (i.e. \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) = k), then we have found a new k-rectangle; after updating the four constructed sequences (a_i and the three other analogous sequences), x_1 is incremented by one,
  • if \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) < k then x_2 is incremented by one, to expand the sliding window,
  • if \mathcal R(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2) > k then x_1 is incremented by one, to shrink the sliding window,

The above algorithm works in \mathcal O(w^2 l) time, and enumerates (among others) all interesting k-rectangles. Of course, we can reduce its running time to \mathcal O(wl \min(w,l)) by adapting the direction, in which this method works.

The presented solution, with all the above optimizations, constitutes the model solution.


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