IOI '00 - Beijing, China
In a country, great walls have been built in such a way that every great
wall connects exactly two towns. The great walls do not cross each
other. Thus, the country is divided into such regions that to move from
one region to another, it is necessary to go through a town or cross a
great wall. For any two towns
, there is at most one great wall
with one end in
and the other in
, and further, it is possible to go
by always walking in a town or along a great wall. The input
format implies additional restrictions.
There is a club whose members live in the towns. In each town, there is
only one member or there are no members at all. The members want to meet
in one of the regions (outside of any town). The members travel riding
their bicycles. They do not want to enter any towns, because of the
traffic, and they want to cross as few great walls as possible, as it is
a lot of trouble. To go to the meeting region, each member needs to
cross a number (possibly
) of great walls. They want to find such an
optimal region that the sum of these numbers (crossing-sum, for short)
is minimized.

The towns are labeled with integers from
, where
is the
number of towns. In Figure
, the labeled nodes represent the towns and
the lines connecting the nodes represent the great walls. Suppose that
there are three members, who live in towns
, and
. Then, an optimal
meeting region and respective routes for members are shown in Figure
The crossing-sum is
: the member from town
has to cross the great
wall between towns
, and the member from town
has to cross the
great wall between towns
You are to write a program which, given the towns, the regions, and the
club member home towns, computes an optimal region and the minimal
Input Specification
The first line contains one integer: the number of regions
The second line contains one integer: the number of towns
The third line contains one integer: the number of club members
. Of course,
The fourth line contains
distinct integers in increasing order: the labels of the towns where the members live.
After that the file contains
lines so that there is a pair of lines
for each region: the first pair of lines describe the first region, the
following pair the second and so on. Of the pair, the first line shows
the number of towns
on the border of that region. The second line of
the pair contains
integers: the labels of these
towns in some
order in which they can be passed when making a trip clockwise along the
border of the region, with the following exception: the last region is
the "outside region" surrounding all towns and other regions, and for it
the order of the labels corresponds to a trip in the counterclockwise
direction. The order of the regions gives an integer labelling of the
regions: the first region has label
, the second has label
, and so
on. Note that the input includes all regions formed by the towns and
great walls, including the "outside region".
Output Specification
The output file should have two lines. The first line should contain one
integer: the minimal crossing-sum. The second line should contain one
integer: the label of an optimal region. There may be several different
solutions for the region and your program needs to output only one of
Sample Input
3 6 9
1 2 3
1 3 7
2 4 7 3
4 6 7
4 8 6
6 8 7
4 5 8
7 8 10 9
5 10 8
7 9 10 5 4 2 1
Sample Output
The sample input and output shown correspond to the diagram above.