Editorial for Expected Inversions

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Author: sjay05

Given the array a of length n, define P(i, j) to be the probability that a_i and a_j form an inversion (i < j, a_i > a_j). For a pair (i, j), P(i, j) is defined to be \frac{1}{2}, since there are two cases; a_i > a_j and a_i < a_j.

Using linearity of expectation, the expected number of inversions of the permutation is defined as:

\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=i+1}^n P(i, j) = \binom{n}{2} P(i, j) = \frac{n(n-1)}{4}

In this problem, since there are prefilled positions in our array, there are 3 cases to be considered:

Case 1:

  • For all i, where a_i \neq 0 we can calculate the number of inversions directly using any range tree.

Case 2:

  • Considering all pairs (i, j) where a_i, a_j = 0, we define \sum P(i, j) = \frac{len(len - 1)}{4} where len is the number of positions i such that a_i = 0.

Case 3:

  • Considering pairs (i, j) where one of a_i, a_j is 0, more careful calculation is required. We define two sets \mathbb{S} and \mathbb{T} where \mathbb{S} is the set of all positions i such that a_i \neq 0, and \mathbb{T} holds all positions i where a_i = 0.

  • Start by looping through all indices in \mathbb{S}. We seek to calculate \sum_{j \in \mathbb{T}} P(i, j). For each i, consider two cases where j < i and j > i.

    • Let \mathbb{T}_\text{small} be the set \{x \in T \mid x < a_i\}, and Let \mathbb{T}_\text{big} be the set \{x \in T \mid x > a_i\}.

    • For j < i, the probability P(i, j) is defined as: \frac{n(\mathbb{T}_\text{big})}{n(\mathbb{T})}. This is since a larger integer should be placed before a_i, to create an inversion.

    • Likewise for j > i, the probability P(i, j) is defined as: \frac{n(\mathbb{T}_\text{small})}{n(\mathbb{T})}, and this time a_i should be larger than the integer placed at a_j to create an inversion.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N \log N)


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