Editorial for DMPG '19 G3 - A Round Problem

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Author: r3mark

To solve this problem, it is necessary to guess the following fact:

Lemma: If every value of the array is either -1 or 1 (with at least one of each) and there are more 1's than -1's, there is some a_i=-1 which the first operation can be used on.

This is fairly intuitive and easy to suspect. The proof is included at the bottom for the sake of completeness.

A simple corollary of this lemma is that any array with at most two distinct values can be turned into a constant array in \frac{N}{2}-1 first operations and 1 second operation. So the first subtask can be solved in this way.

For the full points, fix some number x. Construct an auxiliary array b so that b_i=-1 if a_i \le x and b_i = 1 if a_i>x. Observe that the first operation applied to array a is applied in the same manner to array b. From the first subtask's solution, we can either force b to be all 1 or all -1. But this is the same as forcing all the elements in array a to be less than or equal to x or all the elements to be greater than x.

From this observation, it becomes clear that we can binary search to force the array a to become constant. In total, at most \log N second operations are needed and at most \frac{N \log N}{2} operations are needed in total. For N=500, the given constraints of 10 and 2500 are sufficient.

When implementing the solution, it is important to be able to apply the operations to a as well. A brute-force, \mathcal{O}(N^3 \log N + N^2 \log^2 N) implementation of this can pass. It is possible to improve this time complexity by using a segment tree to locate elements in b which should be changed. It may be further improved by using a segment tree of sets to quickly compute the median of a range but this is not at all necessary.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^3 \log N + N^2 \log^2 N)

Proof of Lemma: Let S_{i, j} denote the sum of the elements in the subarray from i to j. Let k=\frac{N-2}{4}. Assume for the sake of contradiction that there exists an array satisfying the conditions so that the first operation cannot change any -1 to a 1. This condition is equivalent to a_i = -1 \implies S_{i+k+1, i+3k+1}<0. Its contrapositive, S_{i+k+1, i+3k+1}>0 \implies a_i=1 is also true.

For any index i, S_{i+k+1, i+3k+1} + S_{i+3k+2, i+k} = S_{1, N} > 0. So at least one of S_{i+k+1, i+3k+1} and S_{i+3k+2, i+k} must be positive, so at least one of a_i, a_{i+2k+1} must be 1. This implies that a_i + a_{i+2k+1} \ge 0 for any i.

If there is only one i such that a_i=-1, then there is clearly a contradiction and we are done.

Otherwise, consider the pair of indices (u, v) over all pairs of indices with a_u=a_v=-1 such that |v - (u+2k+1)| is minimized (if there are multiple, pick any such pair). Let t = |v - (u+2k+1)|. Note that t \le k since otherwise, u could be turned into a 1. Without loss of generality, say v = u+2k+1+t (rather than v=u+2k+1-t). Since t is minimal, clearly a_{u+2k+2}=1, a_{u+2k+3}=1, \dots, a_{u+2k+t} = 1. Now consider a_{u+t}, a_{u+t-1}, a_{u+t-2}, \dots, a_{u+1}. Since u and v were chosen for t to be minimized, note that these t elements cannot equal to -1 or the minimality of t would be contradicted. Thus a_{u+t} = a_{u+t-1} = \dots = a_{u+1} = 1.

Let A = S_{v-k, v-t-1}, B = S_{v+1, u-k-1}, C = S_{v+k+1, u-1}, and D = S_{u+t+1, u+k}. Note that the section A describes is diametrically opposite C's section and the section B describes is diametrically opposite D's section. Since a_i + a_{i+2k+1} \ge 0 for any index i, A+C \ge 0 and B+D \ge 0. Summing these two inequalities gives A+B+C+D \ge 0.

From a_u = -1,

\displaystyle \begin{align}
S_{u+k+1, u+3k+1} &\le -1 \\
S_{u+k+1, u+k+t} + S_{u+k+t+1, u+2k} + S_{u+2k+1, v} + S_{v+1, u-k-1} &\le -1 \\
S_{u+k+1, u+k+t} + S_{v-k, v-t-1} + S_{u+2k+1, v} + S_{v+1, u-k-1} &\le -1 \\
S_{u+k+1, u+k+t} + A + (t - 1) + B &\le -1 \\
A+B &\le -t-S_{u+k+1, u+k+t} \\
&\le -t+((u+k+t) - (u+k+1) + 1) \\
&= 0

Thus, A+B \le 0.

Similarly, from a_v = -1, we can obtain C+D \le 0. Adding these two inequalities gives A+B+C+D \le 0. So \displaystyle A+B+C+D \le 0 \le A+B+C+D.

This implies that A+B+C+D = 0. Also, all the inequalities used to obtain this must have been equalities. This means that S_{u+k+1, u+k+t} = -t or equivalently, S_{u+k+1} = S_{u+k+2} = \dots = S_{u+k+t} = -1. Also, a_i + a_{i+2k+1} = 0 for all i in the sections described by A, B, C, or D.

Since S_{u+k+1} = -1 and S_{u+t} = 1, there is some index j where u+t+1 \le j \le u+k+1 for which a_{j-1} = 1 and a_j = -1. But for any i between u+t and u+k+1, a_i + a_{i+2k+1} = 0. So a_{j+2k} = -1 and a_{j+2k+1} = 1. From a_j=-1 and a_{j+2k}=-1,

\displaystyle \begin{align}
S_{j+k+1, j+3k+1} + S_{j+3k+1, j+k-1} &\le -2 \\
S_{1, N} + a_{j+3k+1} - a_{j+k} &\le -2 \\
S_{1, N} &\le -2 - a_{j+3k+1} +a_{j+k} \\
&\le -2 -(-1) +1 \\
&= 0

This gives 0 < S_{1, N} \le 0. So there is a contradiction and the lemma is true.


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