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Author: 4fecta
Subtask 1
Note that there exists a Eulerian circuit (treating all edges as multi-edges) of the entire tree since all vertices have even degree. Thus, the answer is simply
Time Complexity: 
Subtask 2
is even and
is odd. With a similar observation to subtask 1, we note that if we start at vertex
then there exists a walk that crosses each edge
times. Furthermore, we may improve upon this walk by walking along an odd edge once more in the end, and similarly in the beginning. Thus, the answer is simply
Time Complexity: 
Subtask 3
is odd and
is even. Suppose the walk starts at vertex
and ends at vertex
, and we may assume
without loss of generality (by reversing the walk if
). Then, before walking towards
, we can first traverse each edge to the left of
a total of
times, stopping at the first edge where
. A similar statement can be made for the edges to the right of
. For each edge in between, we traverse them
times. Given this, we can simply iterate over all pairs of
and compute the relevant sum. To optimize this, we can use some precomputation in the form of prefix maximum arrays.
Time Complexity: 
Subtask 4
Root the tree at vertex
. We can define the following dynamic programming states:
- Let
the length of the longest walk starting and ending at
only traversing through edges in the subtree of
- Let
the length of the longest walk starting at
only traversing through edges in the subtree of
, ending at any vertex.
Note simply that
for all children
, where
is the frequency value of the edge between
. This transition can be inspired by the observation from subtask 1.
has a similar transition formula to
, but we may choose any two children
to contribute
to the sum instead, since we can enter
from one of these vertices and leave
from the other. This can be inspired by the solution to subtask 2.
The longest walk starting at vertex
is then
. To compute the longest walk starting from any vertex, simply root the tree at every vertex and take the best of the
Time Complexity: 
Subtask 5
There are many ways to optimize the solution described in subtask 4 to
. One possibility is to perform tree rerooting DP, where a second DFS through the tree recalculates the DP values for each root in
total work. Another possibility is to define a third state
the length of the longest walk passing through
only traversing through edges in the subtree of
. The transitions are no harder than the ones for
, and will be left as an exercise to the reader.
Time Complexity: 