is part of the robotics team in his school. During one of the meetings after school, a sketchy person was wandering around and came into the robotics room. This person sees a storage bin full of the VEX Starstruck jacks and immediately becomes obsessed with them. sees this and tells him that he can disassemble one of the jacks by squeezing them. The person does so, and the jack breaks into pieces.
Due to the sketchy nature of this person and his obsession with the jacks, he begins to take
Every second, the person does one of two possible actions:
: Takes one jack out from the storage bin, and places it on the table.B q
: Breaks each jack or piece that's currently on the table intoq
pieces, and puts them on the floor. When the table is empty, transfer all the pieces on the floor back onto the table.
prevent integer overflow allow to finish the work that was assigned by his English teacher, he decides that he will consider a jack "dust" if the jack is broken into strictly greater than
needs to figure out how many pieces each jack has been broken into, to assist him in gluing together the jacks that the person broke.
is quite busy building the robot, can you help him figure this out?Input Specification
The first line will contain the integers
The next T
, or a character followed by an integer B q
, where
For all subtasks:
Subtask 1 [50%]
Subtask 2 [50%]
Output Specification
Output the number of pieces each jack has been broken into, in the order they were taken out of the storage bin.
If a jack has been considered as dust, output dust
Sample Input
7 4 5
B 2
B 3
B 4
Sample Output
The person did
- The person takes out a jack from the bin and puts it on the table.
- He takes out another jack. (Same operation as above)
- He breaks each of the 2 jacks into 2 pieces, resulting in
broken pieces for the first jack and broken pieces for the second jack. - He then breaks each piece into 3 new pieces, resulting in
broken pieces for the first jack and broken pieces for the second jack. - He takes out another jack.
- He then breaks each piece into 4 new pieces, resulting in
broken pieces for the first jack, broken pieces for the second jack, and 4 broken pieces for the third jack. - He takes out another jack.
In the end, he took out 4 jacks, the first 2 were broken into
Why am I MLEing?
I'm not sure but I think it's due to your product function. My guess is that as
gets really large, you're essentially performing something along the lines of a manual factorial or exponent function and storing all the steps.
If the table becomes empty while breaking the pieces, do I move the pieces from the floor to the table?
Don't worry about the floor thing. Just assume that the pieces stay on the table at all times. Don't move anything to the floor.
Currently only 1 python submission has passed with question in time(from the mighty D). Would it be possible to get a time extension for python
It wasn't an issue with the language. Your solution's time complexity is too slow for the constraints.
I know realise that, thank you