Editorial for DMOPC '16 Contest 2 P2 - Ebola Outbreak

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Authors: jimgao, d

Knowledge required: complete search or disjoint set

When one has Ebola, everyone in his class can potentially get Ebola. With that observation, we can express each class as a set. When person i and j are in the same class, we can simply merge the 2 sets that i and j belongs to. Hence, the intended solution to this problem is to use disjoint set to manage the contents of the sets.

The disjoint set data structure has 2 operations Find(a) and Merge(a,b). When person i and j are in the same class, we can simply do Merge(i,j). After processing all the classes, we can simply compare the value of Find(1) and Find(N) to determine if person N is infected.

A properly implemented disjoint set has a time complexity of O(α(N)) for each operation, where α(N) is the Inverse Ackermann function, which is smaller than 5 for all reasonable values of N.

Time Complexity: O(N+Kiα(N))

Alternate solution

Create a vertex for each student and each class. If a student is in a class, then create an edge between that student and that class. In total, there are N+M vertices and Ki edges.

Next, do a graph search starting at student 1. Make sure to output the visited students. The visited classes can be ignored.

Time Complexity: O(N+Ki)


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