cheesecake works part-time at the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where he researches the spread of diseases. An unknown pathogen has just broken out and cheesecake is determined to save the world!
The CDC's model of the world consists of
countries numbered
, represented by points on a 2-D coordinate plane. Country
is located at integral coordinates
Through extensive research, cheesecake has determined a vital piece of information: the time in hours it takes for the pathogen to spread from one country to another is equal to the square of the distance between the two countries. For example, if country
is located at
and country
is located at
, it will take
hours for country
to be infected after the initial infection of country
. The source of the breakout, country
, is infected at the
-th hour.
In order to take preventative measures, cheesecake has been tasked with projecting the rate of infection. Specifically, he has to answer
queries of the following form:
How many countries will be infected after
Unfortunately, cheesecake isn't taking data management this semester, so he's at a total loss. Help him save the world!
Subtask 1 [20%]
Subtask 2 [30%]
Subtask 3 [50%]
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain
, the number of countries.
The next
lines will contain
, the coordinates of the
-th country, it is guaranteed that no two countries will have the same coordinates.
The next line will contain
, the source of the breakout.
The next line will contain
, the number of queries.
The next
lines will each contain a query.
Output Specification
For each query, output the answer on a new line.
Sample Input
2 2
0 3
5 1
4 0
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
hours, the pathogen has not yet spread from its source, therefore the answer is
. After
hours, country
is infected. After
hours, country
is also infected. At
hours, the pathogen has spread from country
to country
Assuming the first test case is the test case, my clipped output does not match my output in the compiler. My program prints out "3 4 1 2" (on different lines) but the clipped output says "1 1 1 1" (on different lines).
Your code has undefined behaviour. Your visited array needs to be initialized to a value, or else it will take whatever garbage values are currently stored at that memory address.
For the explanation for sample output, shouldn't the time it takes to get to country 2 be 5 hours, not 7 hours?
No, it's simply referring to the query, since the explanation is not written in chronological order
EDIT Make sure you use correct types!
Why are so many people (including myself) getting runtime error? :'(
It's very expensive memory-wise to maintain a priority queue of up to
edges. Even if I raise the memory limit to 1 GB, your solution will TLE. The editorial might help you.
Edit: I think it depends on which judge your submission was run on. 64-bit judges will give you RTE and 32-bit judges will give you TLE.
It's probably because you're initializing a
elements, although I didn't look at your code in detail enough to be 
long long
array ofSince a
bits of memory and you're allocating 
of them, that means you're using up 
bits, or 
bytes, or 
. That should technically pass the memory limit, maybe? But you'd be cutting it close with all of your other variables and arrays.
long long
takes upBe aware that if you wanted mathematical rigor, you should have specifically asked for Bruce or Jason's help. :)
Anyway, that might be why, or maybe I'm totally off. Cheers!
Bruce or Jason's help lol
If you're getting TLE on Python, try using multiplication instead of power.