COI '17 #4 Zagonetka

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Points: 17 (partial)
Time limit: 3.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem types

Mislav and Marin learned about permutations in their combinatorics class, and they invented an interesting game where the player must guess certain permutations that meet certain conditions. A permutation of order n is an array of numbers p = (p_1, p_2, \dots, p_n) where each number between 1 and n appears exactly once. A condition is a pair of distinct numbers (a, b), both between 1 and n, inclusive. A permutation p meets condition (a, b) if p_a < p_b.

The game is played as follows. Marin first chooses zero or more conditions and one permutation p of order n that meets all of them. In the beginning of the game, Marin texts Mislav only the chosen permutation p (the conditions remain secret). Mislav's goal is to determine the lexicographically smallest and lexicographically largest permutation that meets all of Marin's conditions. In each step of the game, Mislav chooses one permutation q of order n and texts it to Marin. Marin then reveals if that permutation q met all of his secret conditions.

This is an interactive task. Write a program that will play the game instead of Mislav. Your program must, for a given permutation p (of length at most 100) that meets the secret conditions, in at most 5\,000 steps find the lexicographically smallest and the lexicographically largest permutation that meet all the conditions.


192 \le n \le 6
21830 \le n \le 70, Marin chose exactly 1 condition.
32210 \le n \le 30
45170 < n \le 100


Before the interaction, your program must read from the standard input the following: The first line of input contains the integer n — the size of all permutations in the game. The following line contains n distinct integers p_1, p_2, \dots, p_n (1 \le p_j \le n) — the permutation p. You can assume that p meets all of Marin's conditions.

After this, your program can send Marin queries by writing to the standard output. Each query must be printed in its own line in the form of query q1 q2 ... qn where q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n are distinct integers between 1 and n, inclusively. After each printed query, your program must flush the output and read from the standard input Marin's reply — the number 1 if the permutation q from the query meets all the conditions, and 0 otherwise.

When your program has found a solution, it must output a line to the standard output containing the command end, then a line of the form of a1 a2 ... an containing the required lexicographically smallest permutation and a line of the form of b1 b2 ... bn containing the required lexicographically largest permutation. In the end, the program must flush the output again and terminate the execution.

Sample Interaction

In the following interaction sample, the first column contains the data that your program outputs to the standard output, and the second column contains the data that your program reads from the standard input. After three steps of the game, i.e. after three queries, the program determines the correct solution.

>>> denotes your output. Do not print this out.

The chosen secret conditions are (2, 1) and (3, 4).

3 2 1 4
>>> query 2 3 1 4
>>> query 3 2 4 1
>>> query 4 1 2 3
>>> end
>>> 2 1 3 4
>>> 4 3 1 2


For the first query, condition (2, 1) is not met.

For the second query, condition (3, 4) is not met.

For the third and final query, both conditions are met.


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