Editorial for COCI '21 Contest 1 #5 Volontiranje
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
We use 'LIS' as a shorthand for a longest increasing subsequence.
The first subtask can be solved by finding every LIS, and then find via dynamic programming with bitmasks a set of them which do not overlap.
For the rest of the subtasks, some more insight into the structure of the longest increasing subsequences is needed. The solution in short is the following: we can remove the subsequences one by one, each time greedily building the lexicographically smallest LIS. A naive implementation of that would be too slow, so it is necessary to do some backtracking and removing of certain elements for which we are sure that they will not help with the solution, so that the time complexity gets reduced.
A more detailed description and proofs of the observations are given, but first we will mention a couple of general properties of this type of configuration, which are common in these types of tasks.
For each index
For all positive integers , if we look at the values corresponding to the indices of , they will be decreasing.Proof
If there were such that and , the longest increasing subsequence ending at could be extended to and then . □Claim
For each LIS (where ), it holds that for all . In other words, if we look at a fixed index , it will always find itself at the same position in every LIS (precisely at position ).Proof
Just as in the previous claim, we conclude that . Noting that and , these numbers must be exactly . □
The things mentioned so far can be visualized in the following way (see image below): the given permutation can be interpreted as a set of points
Between every two neighbouring layers, blue edges are drawn between pairs of points where an increasing subsequence of the first point can be extended to the second point (those are actually pairs of points where the second point is 'up and to the right' of the first point). Thus, a LIS is any path using the blue edges which starts in the first layer and ends in the last layer. Also, for each point, all of its neighbours form a segment of points in the next layer.
Now we will mention the claims specific to the problem.
Claim 1:
Assume that in the optimal solution, the number of LIS's is equal to
On the image, this corresponds to the fact that it is possible to choose the red paths so that they do not intersect.
Let's look at a situation where the paths intersect and let's label the points as in the image. Since the edges
Since there exists an optimal solution in which the paths do not intersect, the idea comes to mind of trying to pick paths from left to right (it is possible to make a solution in the opposite direction) such that we take the paths that are 'as left as possible' so that we would have more room for the remaining paths. The following claim shows that the right choice is in fact the lexicographically smallest LIS, i.e. that it leaves the most room.
Claim 2:
Assume that from each layer, we have removed a prefix of points, so that only the remaining points are allowed to be used when constructing a LIS. The lexicographically smallest LIS of the remaining points will then be the smallest for each layer separately.
Assume not. Denote the lexicographically smallest LIS by
A consequence of claim 2 is that each point that is to the left of the lexicographically smallest LIS (in any layer) can never be used for building a LIS. Thus, the solution can be obtained if at every step, we choose the lexicographically smallest LIS and remove all of the points on or to the left of it. A solution that goes through all of the remaining points for each step and finds the desired LIS solves the second subtask.
To solve the third subtask, the searching process should be sped up. Say we're trying to build our current LIS and that we are currently at node
After we make the division into layers, which can be done with time complexity