COCI '16 Contest 7 #1 Baza

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Points: 5 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type

Mirko got a summer internship in a big IT company. This company builds a large database consisting of N rows and M columns.

On his first day, Mirko received a total of Q queries. Each query consists of M numbers. However, some numbers got lost during transition, so they are denoted with -1. Mirko wants to know how many rows of the database correspond to the query, i.e., how many rows of the database have identical numbers as the query, excluding -1.

For example, if the query is in the form of -1 3 2, then we need to count the rows of the database that have any number in the first column, have the number 3 in the second column, and have the number 2 in the third column.

Since he just started with his internship, Mirko needs your help. Help him and answer the queries!

Input Specification

The first line of input contains N (1N103) and M (1M103), the size of the database.

Each of the following N lines contains M numbers Aij (1Aij106), the content of the database.

The following line contains Q (1Q50), the number of queries.

Each of the following Q lines contains M numbers Bij (Bij=1 or 1Bij106), the description of the ith query.

Output Specification

The output must contain Q lines, each line containing X, the answer to the ith query from the task.

Sample Input 1

4 3
1 5 2
2 3 4
4 3 2
5 4 6
-1 -1 2
-1 3 2
-1 -1 -1

Sample Output 1


Explanation of Sample Output 1

The first query asks how many rows have the number 2 in the third column. These are rows number 1 (1 5 2) and number 3 (4 3 2).

The second query asks how many rows have the numbers 3 and 2 in the second and third column. This is only row number 3 (4 3 2).

The third query asks how many rows are there in total, and the answer is obviously 4.

Sample Input 2

3 8
6 5 97 99 82 50 95 1
85 62 11 64 94 84 88 19
43 99 11 64 94 84 31 19
-1 -1 11 64 94 84 -1 19
-1 -1 -1 99 -1 -1 -1 1
95 -1 -1 -1 -1 80 -1 -1

Sample Output 2



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