New theater just opened in Mirko's home town, and Mirko and Slavko naturally went to check it out. Opening projection was filled to the last place, and Mirko got mad because cup-holders at both sides of his seat were taken and he had nowhere to put his Coke.
A row in theater has
Your task is to help Mirko. Given sequence of letters describing seats in some row, and assuming that all seats are taken, find the maximum number of people that can put their cups in a cup-holder right next to their seat.
Letter S
in the sequence denotes ordinary seat, and L
denotes love seat. Love seats will always come
in pairs of adjacent seats.
Diagram below corresponds to sequence SLLLLSSLL
, with asterisks denoting cup-holders.
* S * L L * L L * S * S * L L *
For this example, at least two persons won't be able to put their cups into cup-holders.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains the integer
The following line contains a sequence of L
or S
, describing the row as stated above.
Output Specification
The first and only line of output should contain the maximum number of people that can put their cups in cup-holder right next to them.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
Sample Output 3