Editorial for COCI '11 Contest 3 #4 Robot

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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

We will find a way to quickly keep track of the current sum after each move of the robot.

Assume that robot moved to the right (east) from (a,b) to (a+1,b). Distance to any control point changed by 1 or 1 after this move. To be more precise, distance increased by 1 for every control point with x-coordinate no greater than a, and decreased by 1 for the rest of them. If we denote the number of points in the first group f(a), then the sum of these distances changed by f(a)(Nf(a)). We can do the same for the y-coordinate.

Next, we must figure out how to calculate f(a) efficiently. One of the ways to do this is to keep the control points in two arrays, one sorted by x-coordinate and the other sorted by y-coordinate. Now we can easily binary search f(a) for any value a.

This solution has a complexity of O(NlogN+MlogN). Better complexity can be achieved by precomputing all the f(a) values using dynamic programming.


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