Editorial for COCI '09 Contest 6 #6 Gremlini

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Let x_D[i] be the number of years until the birth of the first type i gremlin with D ancestors. Since there is one of each type of gremlins born in the accident we can set x_0[i] = 0, for each i.

Examine one type i gremlin with D ancestors. After Y_i years he spawns one type j egg, that needs Z_{i,j} years to hatch. That egg has D+1 ancestors. So we now know that x_{D+1}[j] is less than or equal to x_D[i] + Y_i + Z. Obviously, finding the minimum of all such values for all gremlins that hatch type j eggs we obtain x_{D+1}[j]. We can observe all types at once by using matrix algebra. We have:

\displaystyle A \otimes X_D = X_{D+1}

Where A is a rectangular matrix with i^\text{th} row and j^\text{th} column equal to Y_j + Z_{j,i} if type j gremlin hatches type i egg, or \infty if not. Matrices X_D and X_{D+1} are self explanatory, and \otimes marks min-plus matrix multiplication.

Matrix A can be raised to arbitrary power fast using binary exponentiation. After multiplying A to the power of D and performing min-plus with X_0 we scan the obtained X_D matrix. If each number is larger than T, there are no gremlins with D ancestors. Otherwise, there is at least one. Using binary search on D we find the largest possible D.


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