Editorial for COCI '09 Contest 3 #5 Patuljci

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

For now, forget about the problem we are solving.

Suppose we had a sequence of integers and an algorithm like this:

while there are different numbers in the sequence
  select any two different numbers from the sequence
    and erase them

For example, if the sequence were:

1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3

the algorithm could have done this:

1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3  ->  3 1 2 3 2 3  ->  1 3 2 3  ->  3 3

Note that we could also end up with other sequences if we selected pairs in a different way.

Let candidate be the number that is left in a sequence (3 in the example above).

Let count be the number of numbers left in a sequence (2 in the example above).

The cool thing about the algorithm is that if there is a number that appears more than N/2 times in the sequence it must end up as a candidate no matter the way we select pairs. Intuitively, we don't have enough other numbers to kill all of the candidate numbers.

So we can choose our own way to select pairs. Let's do it recursively like this.

  1. Split the sequence S into two halves L and R.
  2. Run the recursive algorithm on sequence L to get L.candidate and L.count.
  3. Run the recursive algorithm on sequence R to get R.candidate and R.count.
  4. Kill the remaining pairs among L.count + R.count numbers that are left.

Step 4 can be done very efficiently like this:

if L.candidate == R.candidate
  S.candidate = L.candidate
  S.count = L.count + R.count
  if L.count > R.count
    S.candidate = L.candidate
    S.count = L.count - R.count
    S.candidate = R.candidate
    S.count = R.count - L.count

So, we can use this idea to build the interval tree, every node containing info (candidate and count) about the subsequence it represents.

We can also query the interval tree to get the candidate number for any interval [A, B]. Then we can use binary search to count the number of appearances of the candidate number in the interval and determine if the picture is pretty or not.


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