Editorial for CCO '23 P4 - Flip it and Stick it

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Author: zhouzixiang2004

The overall approach is to do casework on all possible T. In each case, we first characterize all the strings that do not contain T (call these good states). Based on this characterization, we then look for a measure of how far S is from a good state and a greedy algorithm that repeatedly brings S closer to a good state.

Formally, in each of the cases, we will find a function f(S) such that f(S) = 0 at all good states, f(S') \ge f(S)-1 for all S,S' where S' is obtained from S by one reversal, and a greedy algorithm that finds an S' from any non-good state S such that f(S') = f(S)-1. It will then follow that f(S) is the answer for any string S.

We can reduce the number of cases by half by noting that the answer remains the same if all the bits in S and T are flipped, so we may WLOG let T_1 = \tt 0.

Subtask 1

We need to consider the case T = \tt 0.

A good state is when the string is composed of only \tt 1s. Therefore the answer is 0 if S contains only \tt 1s, and otherwise, the answer is -1.

Subtask 2

We need to consider the case T = \tt 01.

A good state is when the string is a block of consecutive \tt 1s followed by a block of consecutive \tt 0s. This encourages us to look at blocks of consecutive \tt 1s, and we might conjecture that the answer is the number of blocks of consecutive \tt 1s that are not at the beginning of S. Indeed, this number can decrease by at most 1 per reversal, and a greedy algorithm that looks for the first block of \tt 1s that is not at the beginning and performs a reversal to combine it with the beginning (e.g. \tt 11[00111]01 \to \tt 11[11100]01 or \tt [001]011 \to \tt [100]011) works.

Alternatively, the answer is just the number of times T = \tt 01 appears in S as a substring, which can be proven similarly.

Subtask 3

We need to consider the case T = \tt 00.

A good state is when the string does not contain any blocks of two or more consecutive \tt 0s. If S has more \tt 0s than the number of \tt 1s plus 1, then the answer is -1 since no rearrangement of the characters of S is a good state.

Otherwise, the answer is the sum of (\text{block size}-1) over all blocks of consecutive \tt 0s. Whenever S is not a good state, there exists a substring \tt 11 in S, and we can greedily perform a reversal to "cut off" a \tt 0 from a block and "insert" it into this \tt 11 (e.g. \tt 00[01010111101]1 \to \tt 00[10111101010]1).

Alternatively, the answer is just the number of times T = \tt 00 appears in S as a substring if ((\text{# 0s in }S) \le (\text{# 1s in }S)+1), otherwise -1.

Subtask 4

We need to consider the cases T = \tt 001 and T = \tt 011. By reversing and flipping the bits of S and T, these cases are equivalent, so we will only describe T = \tt 011.

A good state is when the string has a prefix of consecutive \tt 1s and no blocks of two or more consecutive \tt 1s after that. The answer is the number of blocks of two or more consecutive \tt 1s that are not in the prefix of \tt 1s, and a greedy algorithm similar to T = \tt 01 can prove this.

Alternatively, the answer is just the number of times T = \tt 011 appears in S as a substring.

Subtask 5

We need to consider the cases T = \tt 010 and T = \tt 011. The case T = \tt 011 was solved in subtask 4, so we need to solve T = \tt 010.

A good state is when the string does not contain any blocks of exactly one consecutive \tt 1. In one reversal, it is possible to "merge" up to 2 blocks of exactly one \tt 1 (e.g. \tt 01[011001]0 \to \tt 01[100110]0). Therefore, if S contains x blocks of exactly one consecutive \tt 1, the answer is \lceil \frac{x}{2} \rceil.

Alternatively, the answer is just the number of times T = \tt 010 appears in S as a substring divided by 2, rounded up.

Subtask 6

The remaining case is when T = \tt 000.

Similar to when T = \tt 00, a good state is when the string does not contain any blocks of three or more consecutive \tt 0s. If S has more \tt 0s than twice the number of \tt 1s plus 2, then the answer is -1 since no rearrangement of the characters of S is a good state.

In this case, it might help to analyze how reversals behave on the blocks of \tt 0s in S more closely. Suppose the \tt 1s in S separate S into blocks of x_1,\dots,x_k consecutive \tt 0s, where some x_i may be zero. Then a reversal takes any two x_i,x_j (where i < j), changes them to two new block sizes y,x_i+x_j-y (where any 0 \le y \le x_i+x_j is possible), and reverses the order of the blocks in between i and j. We can view x_1,\dots,x_k as a multiset since the order is not important.

We can use blocks of size 1 to cut off pieces of size 1 from larger blocks, and we can also use blocks of size 0 to cut off pieces of size 2 from larger blocks. Intuitively, we should use the size 0 blocks to cut off pieces of size 2 from the largest blocks, since this is the most efficient, and only use size 1 blocks if necessary. This leads to the following greedy algorithm: while the largest block has size x > 2, use a size 0 block if there is one (replace x,0 with x-2,2), otherwise use a size 1 block (replace x,1 with x-1,2).

The correctness of this greedy algorithm can be proven by finding an explicit function describing the answer. Without size 0 blocks, the answer would be \sum_{x_i > 2}(x_i-2). With arbitrarily many size 0 blocks, we can save up to \sum_{x_i > 2} \lfloor \frac{x-2}{2} \rfloor reversals by cutting off 2 at a time instead of 1. Thus, we conjecture that the answer is f(S) = \sum_{x_i > 2}(x_i-2) - \min\left(\sum_{x_i > 2} \lfloor \frac{x-2}{2} \rfloor,\text{# 0s among }x_i\right). It is straightforward to check that f can decrease by at most 1 per reversal, and the greedy algorithm above gives a way to always decrease f by 1 until a good state is reached, so this is indeed the answer.


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