Canadian Computing Competition: 2003 Stage 2, Day 2, Problem 3
Every day you drive to work through the city. Gas prices have become exorbitant as of late. You've noticed that the gas prices differ throughout the city. Sometimes the cheapest gas is on the other side of the city, but you wonder if it's worth it to drive all the way there just to fill up on cheap gas. You obviously want to spend as little money on gas as possible, but you don't want to run out along the way (your gas tank has a finite size). You wonder if it's possible to calculate the minimum amount of money you need to spend to get to your office each day.
Lucky for you! You live and work in grid city. In grid city there are
streets running east-west and avenues running north-south. The streets
are sequentially numbered, with the avenue is numbered with
After years of "applied experiments" you have discovered something very
uncanny about the city: it takes exactly one litre of gas to move from
any intersection to any neighbouring intersection (one block north,
east, south, or west). It is acceptable to arrive at your office or a
gas station with
When you get to an intersection with a gas station you can choose to fill up with as much or as little gas as you'd like. You don't want to overfill the tank, though, as it would be wasted gas.
Input Specification
Input begins with a number
Each test case begins with a line with four integers
Each of the next
Output Specification
For each test case output the minimum amount of money to be spent on
gas, rounded to the nearest penny (with two decimal digits), or
Stranded on the shoulder
should it be impossible to get to your office
without running out of gas.
Sample Input
5 5 6 2
3 3 0.8
4 2 0.5
8 12 4 2
1 2 2
7 11 4.8
Sample Output
Stranded on the shoulder
What is the constraint on