Given two things, and , determine either or .
Input Specification
The first line will contain .
The next lines will contain two integers, and , separated by a space.
Output Specification
On separate lines, output either or .
Note: Only one of the two is correct.
Sample Input
184756 705432
10400600 48620
40116600 2704156
7296836 284923
739274 9001
42069 3829
Sample Output
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What? I dont understand the question. when should I plus or minus
I got: TLE (write syscall disallowed) I was submitting with Turing (like a n00b). What does this mean?
Turing tried calling the write system call with as the file descriptor (0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr), and the sandbox denied it. This would have been displayed as an RTE, but the submission TLE'd a short time later and TLE overrides RTE.
Not really good with Linux, but why it would do this?
If I knew I'd tell you. There's no legitimate reason for it to do so, except maybe "because it's Turing".