Canadian Computing Competition: 2017 Stage 1, Junior #1
A common problem in mathematics is to determine which quadrant a given point lies in. There are four quadrants, numbered from to
, as shown in the diagram below:
For example, the point , which is at coordinates
lies in quadrant
since both its
values are positive, and point
lies in quadrant 2 since its
value is negative and its
value is positive.
Your job is to take a point and determine the quadrant it is in. You can assume that neither of the two coordinates will be .
Input Specification
The first line of input contains the integer
. The second line of input contains the integer
Output Specification
Output the quadrant number (,
) for the point
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
ez, grade 3 math, bit of code
no math required
Just set the x and y to if it was negative or positive and it should be smooth sailing from there!
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Read the editorial if you need help.
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