Editorial for Baltic OI '19 P4 - Tom's Kitchen

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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Subtask 1 was intended to permit simple case-analysis based solutions.

Subtask 2 was intended to permit brute force search solutions.

Subtask 3 was a reduction to a standard Dynamic Programming problem (commonly stated as: you have certain coins, find if you can pay exactly X amount of money with them).

Subtask 4 was intended to permit task-specific but suboptimal Dynamic Programming solutions.

The full solution uses Dynamic Programming. Let us mentally reorder the hours spent on each meal such that for the first K hours, all chefs are different. This way we can visualize these K hours forming an N \times K "diversity box", with all "non-diverse hours" coming afterwards (as shown in the figure above). Now let's make the following observations:

  1. Each chef can add at most 1 hour to any column of the "diversity box".
  2. A chef j can fill the "diversity box" by at most \min(B_j, N).
  3. In a correct solution, the "diversity box" must be filled by an amount of at least N \times K.
  4. Suppose you have decided to hire chefs for a total of H hours. Then it's optimal to hire such set of chefs that the "diversity box" is filled as much as possible (perhaps even overfilled).

Now let D[c][h] be the maximum amount we can fill the "diversity box" by picking a subset of chefs 1, \dots, c such that they are hired for a total of h hours. Now let us notice that for the value D[c][h] there are two possibilities:

  1. The maximal subset contains chef c. Thus the other chefs in this subset form a maximal solution for D[c-1][h-B_c] (otherwise we could pick a better subset). Thus D[c][h] = D[c-1][h-B_c] + \min(B_c, N).
  2. The maximal subset doesn't contain chef c. Thus this subset also forms a maximal solution for D[c-1][h] (a better solution to D[c-1][h] would contradict the maximality of this subset). Thus D[c][h] = D[c-1][h].

Now we simply need to consider the two cases and see which gives us a better solution. Thus D[c][h] = \max(D[c-1][h-B_c] + \min(B_c, N), D[c-1][h]). For performing the dynamic programming computation, we can initialize D[0][0] to 0 and every other D[i][j] to \infty. Note that once we have computed D[c][*] we don't care about D[c-1][*] anymore, so we can optimize memory consumption. The answer will be minimum non-negative h - \sum_i A_i such that D[N][h] \ge N \times K.


  • Task: Bernhard Linn Hilmarsson (Iceland)
  • Solutions and tests: Oliver-Matis Lill, Andres Unt (Estonia)


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