After sorting numbers all day, perhaps you would like to sort strings instead! Such a wish is easily granted, perhaps because His Imperial Majesty, the Dark Lord and Paramount Leader of Dmojistan feels like granting wishes today!
This is such a trivial task, of course, perhaps you are wondering if there is a catch. Why should His Imperial Majesty, the Dark Lord and Paramount Leader of Dmojistan tell you? Perhaps because My Dark Master the Lord
feels like granting wishes? Well, My Dark Master the Lord is only quite willing to grant you one wish, perhaps. Well, not perhaps, for it is a fact.Perhaps you are questioning My Dark Master the Lord
's power? Well, perhaps disaster awaits you. Good luck, perhaps. 😆😛Sample Input
Sample Output
What is in test case #2?
the input
I mean specifically the contents inside the input of test case #2 and can anyone give hints of what is test case 2. In addition what is the constraints of strings? Plus why is the output clipped 1 character long? Make a wish to make my solution correct. Test Case #2 seems mysterious to everyone.
PerHaPs the only way to solve this problem is to give Pray to quantum and Hope he gives a solution....
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There are only 9 AC Submissions, and most of them are in PHP.
Dear Dark Lord quantum... What is the correct output to Test Case 2?
take a close look at the link of this question.
Why are the best solutions only in PHP? Is this the meaning of PerHaPs?
If input: " 2 abcd abcde" Then what is the output? "abcd abcde" or "abcde abcd"?
Dear Dark Lord quantum... What is the correct output to Test Case 2?
Dear Dark Lord quantum... What is the correct output to
Test Case 2
?Wish to Dark Master Lord quantum: What is the correct output for testcase 2?
No idea..... test case 2 is so strange
Perhaps I'm not skilled enough to solve this... perhaps... :(
Clarification please?
Wish to Dark Master the Lord quantum : What is the correct solution to the problem?
Perhaps the problem statement contains enough hints... perhaps...
It simply does not.
Yeah it does TJ
...At least quantum told you something...
I dont understand