Angie and Functions

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Points: 20 (partial)
Time limit: 1.8s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem types

Angie is studying functions!

For her homework, she was asked to figure out the coefficients c1,c2,,cN,cN+1 in the following function:

f(x)=c1xN+c2xN1++cNx+cN+1 (All the coefficients are integers)

To assist her on this question, her math teacher has allowed her to ask queries in the following form:

Given an integer x, what is f(x)?

However, as he doesn't want to give her too many hints, she can only make up to Q queries.

Angie has just started the year and isn't sure how to approach the problem. Can you help her solve it?

Not only will the answers to your queries be given modulo 109+7, your output should be modulo 109+7 as well.


For all subtasks:





Subtask 1 [5%]



Subtask 2 [10%]



Subtask 3 [15%]


Subtask 4 [70%]

No additional constraints.


The first and only line of input will be the integer N.

After that, you will begin interaction.

To make a query, output ? x where x is an integer that satisfies the constraints for x given above (109x109).

Then, you will receive an integer denoting the value of f(x). If at any point you make an invalid query, exceed the maximum query count, or give an x that is out of the limits you will receive 109+7 instead. It's guaranteed that 0f(x)<109+7 for any valid x.

Once you've completed the problem, output your answer in the form ! c_1 c_2 ... c_N c_N+1, where c1,c2,,cN,cN+1 are the coefficients in f(x). The interactor will give no further output at this point.

Important Notes/Reminders

  • All input and output will be modulo 109+7. Be careful of how modulo works with negative numbers (e.g. 4mod(109+7)=1000000003).
  • Always flush after writing to standard output.
  • If you ever receive 109+7 as input, make sure to terminate the program (e.g. exit(0); in C++). Otherwise, you will receive TLE instead of WA.

Sample Interaction

Note the following:

  • The sample case here is N=3 where c1=5,c2=4,c3=2,c4=1.
  • >>> denotes your output. Do not actually print >>>.
>>> ? 3
>>> ? 5
>>> ? 1000000004
>>> ! 5 1000000003 2 1

Note the following:

  • The answers are outputted modulo 109+7.
  • ? 1000000004 is the equivalent of asking for f(3). f(3)=176 and 176mod(109+7)=999999831.


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