You are playing a game with Bruce involving
The two players alternate taking coins from either end of the row. The game ends when no more coins remain.
Bruce is a genius and will always play optimally. However, he is nice and will let you make the first move. What is the maximum total value of coins you can take?
Input Specification
The first line will contain
The second and final line of input will contain
For all subtasks:
Subtask 1 [40%]
Subtask 2 [60%]
Output Specification
The maximum total value of coins you can obtain.
Sample Input
4 4 9 4
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
4 4 9 4
First, you take the left-most coin, with a value of
4 9 4
Bruce then picks up either remaining coin, both of which have a value of
9 4
Following this, you pick up the coin with a value of
And Bruce takes the last coin, and the game ends.
Your coins have a total value of
Can anybody tell me why im getting wrong answer?
The first subtask can be solved in
with dynamic programming.
The second subtask uses a greedy algorithm called termity to solve in